Thursday, October 13, 2011

Daging Asam Padeh

Proudly introduce you a traditional recipe from Padang,'s Asam Padeh :D
As we all know, Padang is well-known from its spicy dishes, isn't it?:D
In fact, if we want to try some, we can easily find a lot of Padang restaurants in town.
But have you ever heard about Asam Padeh?;)
My grandma is come from Padang, so I know well about some traditional recipes from this town :D
and this is my favorite is the recipe..

Daging Asam Padeh

Bumbu-bumbu yang dihaluskan :

1 kg Cabe merah
10 buah Bawang Merah
6 buah Bawang putih
1 buah Jahe
2 cm Laos

Masak bersama :

Daging dipotong" sesuai selera
2 lembar Daun Jeruk
2 lembar Daun Kunyit
1 lembar Daun Serai
4 biji Asam Kandis

Masak dengan api sedang, tunggu hingga matang dan kuah mengental..


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